Community Support

Richard Whiting: Campbell would represent all in House District 90

Dan Campbell would be an outstanding state representative, and I encourage voters to support him. He would represent everybody in his district and offer points of view that are under-represented in Augusta.

His opponent, Rep. Laurel Libby, has a lifetime voting score of 5% (1 for 20) from Maine Conservation Voters, a score of zero (0 for 9) from the Working Families legislative scorecard, a score of zero (0 for 3) from the League of Women Voters, and a score of zero (0 for 9) from Planned Parenthood.

On the other hand, she received a 92% legislative rating from the John Birch Society, whom my mother, a moderate Republican, referred to as a bunch of crackpots.

We can do better, and Dan Campbell is the candidate to accomplish that for his district.

Richard S. Whiting, Auburn

(as originally printed in the September 7th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Ellie Garcia: Campbell runs to serve community, not himself

The best way to know what a person will do in the future is to look at how they have lived their life. Dan Campbell has lived a life in service to others.

For more than three decades he served others as a multi-sport coach teaching students to be outstanding athletes and responsible citizens, counseling students on how to overcome life’s most difficult challenges, and as an educator.

In addition to his service to students he has always reached out to help the least fortunate in the community — helping those who have experienced abuse and neglect, people struggling with substance abuse, the homeless who have no home and lack the basic necessaries of life.

Coach Campbell is not a politician. He is running for state representative not to serve himself but to serve the community just like he has always done.

That’s how people know they can trust Dan Campbell.

Ellie Garcia, Auburn

(as originally published in the September 8th edition of the Sun Journal)

Susan Martin: Campbell would back initiatives important to area voters

I am writing in support of Dan Campbell for the Maine House of Representatives, District 90.

Three issues were brought forth and supported by Democrats in the last two sessions. The first is full funding for education. That means both Auburn and Minot have to raise less local money for education.

The second is increased subsidies for child care. Child care workers get a subsidy from the state, and the range of people eligible for help with child care costs is wider. No issue is more important to working families and employers.

The final issue is the property tax credit and the number of people who get it increased. I know that Dan would continue to support these initiatives that are so important to local voters.

I hope those who live in Minot or the northern part of Auburn join me is voting for Dan Campbell in November.

Susan Martin, Auburn

(originally printed in the August 7th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Neria Douglass: I will vote Dan Campbell in Nove mber

Dan Campbell served Auburn for decades as Edward Little’s coach of track and field, cross country and Nordic skiing, later as coach at St. Dominic Academy.

As a substance abuse counselor at ELHS, he helped struggling students find success. Dan continues to help those who struggle as a volunteer and board member of the Pleasant Street Drop-In Center.

Dan’s contributions to our area go beyond 150 words, but are proven by many awards: Mayor John JenkinsHands & Hearts Leadership & Service Award, Volunteer of the Year Award from Androscoggin Home Healthcare & Hospice, Citizen of the Year by the Auburn Business Association.

Dan has stepped forward to represent Auburn and Minot in the Maine House. He will work for economic growth, high-quality education, affordable housing and policies to lower property taxes.

He has our welfare in his heart.

Dan is our best choice in November.

I will vote Dan Campbell.

Neria Douglass, Auburn

(as originally appeared in the August 16th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Mary Beth Booth: We need someone with Campbell’s compassion and commitment

I wholeheartedly support Dan Campbell for state representative.

He has a long history of being an outstanding citizen in Auburn. He guided and mentored countless students during his 31-year career as an Edward Little High School coach. His commitment to our community is evident by his ongoing work to help the unhoused and the numerous accolades he has earned.

Dan was named Citizen of the Year by the Auburn Business Association, received the Mayor John Jenkins Hands & Hearts Leadership & Service Award, and the Volunteer of the Year Award from Androscoggin Home Healthcare and Hospice. He also served as president of the Auburn Suburban Little League.

We need someone with Dan’s compassion and commitment representing us in Augusta. I hope others will join me in voting for Dan Campbell for state representative.

Mary Beth Booth, Auburn

(as originally appeared in the August 1 edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Joseph Pelliccia: Campbell ‘a breath of fresh air’ for state Legislature

I have had the pleasure of driving Dan Campbell while he has been canvassing Auburn residents in support of his candidacy for representing Auburn in the next Legislature.

What strikes me the most about Dan is how, after visiting most homes, he comes back to the car and describes the concerns and ideas he’s just heard. It’s clear that Dan listens to the voters rather than spends time trying to convince them of his positions on the issues.

When one couples Dan’s willingness to listen with his long history of service to our community, especially to its youth, I find him to be a breath of fresh air

when I consider my options this November. This is just what we need in Augusta, and Dan has certainly earned my vote.

Joseph Pelliccia, Auburn

(as originally printed in the July 24th edition)

Candy Gleason: Campbell would be ‘a wonderful state representative’

Who is Dan Campbell and why would he be a wonderful state representative for District 90, representing Auburn and Minot?

Yes, he was Auburn’s citizen of the year in 2023. Yes, his 31 years of coaching skiing and track landed him numerous state championships and a national championship, coach of the year five times and the President’s Award.

In addition, he has affected numerous lives in his role as a substance abuse counselor.

Currently, he is working tirelessly to help the unhoused population in this area. But these accomplishments do not begin to tell the full story of a man committed to helping others.

I have known Danny since 1970 — and a better friend, a better man, one will not find. His selfless dedication to helping others and his deep faith in God guide him at every turn.

He would be a wonderful state representative. People should vote for Dan Campbell.

Candy Gleason, Auburn

(as published in the July 20th edition of the Lewiston Sun-Journal)

Miles Smith: Campbell ‘the better choice’ to represent Auburn, Minot

I am pleased that Dan Campbell is running to represent Auburn and Minot in House District 90. Dan is the better choice to represent both communities.

Dan’s compassion for helping people, especially the homeless and vulnerable, is demonstrated every day. For example, he helped a man trapped by others exploiting him. Dan came to the rescue by taking him into his home and helping him with funds to attend college.

Born and raised in Auburn, Dan’s lifelong commitment to the district community was recognized by former Gov. John McKernan, and was also selected as Auburn’s citizen of the year.

In recognition of his leadership of 12 state championships and one national championship team, Coach Campbell was inducted into the Auburn-Lewiston Sports Hall of Fame.

Dan Campbell is a clean election candidate to whom I will provide my full support and vote for to represent District 90 in Augusta.

Miles Smith, Auburn

(appears in July 2nd Lewiston Sun Journal)

Norm Duphily: Campbell would represent Auburn well in Augusta

Norm Duphily: Campbell would represent Auburn well in Augusta

I am glad to hear that Dan Campbell is running for District 90 state representative. I have known Dan for more than 25 years and believe he is the right person for this important job.

Dan is compassionate, honest and hard working. As a coach and teacher, he has made a huge difference in so many student athletes’ lives. He continues his work now helping to address the needs of the unhoused in our community.

Dan would listen to his constituents concerns and represent us well in Augusta.

Norm Duphily, Auburn

(printed in the July 17th edition of the Lewiston Sun-Journal)

Katherine Giasson: Campbell would serve constituents’ best interests

I am writing to express my support for Dan Campbell for state House representative. In a political landscape often clouded by self-interest, Dan

stands out as a beacon of honesty, hard work and exemplary leadership. Dan’s unwavering commitment to our community, particularly in his

coaching of youth and high school sports, speaks highly of his character. As a role model, he consistently demonstrates the qualities of integrity,

compassion and attentive listening. Dan’s boots-on-the-ground efforts to support the unhoused population has provided countless individuals with essential resources and, importantly, hope for a better future. His dedication to helping others embodies the true spirit of public service.

Our community needs representatives who possess not only strength and resilience but also a genuine commitment to serving the best interests of their constituents. Dan Campbell exemplifies these qualities and under his leadership, our community would thrive.

Katherine Giasson, Auburn

(published in the June 13th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Renee Cote: House District 90 would benefit from ‘Coach Dan’

I was glad to hear that Dan Campbell, the popular, long-time Edward Little High School coach, has entered the race for House District 90.

In 2022, there was only one person on the ballot, a candidate whose extreme views I could not support. I looked back at the vote totals for that race, and it appears that voters do not like to see only one candidate on the ballot as the total votes cast were much lower than the number of enrolled voters. It’s good to have a contested race here.

Listing Coach Dan’s contributions to our community would take way more words than a letter to the editor allows. As I read over his many accomplishments, a headline from the Sun Journal in 2021, “Patron saint of helping others,” jumped out at me.

We need truly service-minded people in Augusta, and our community would benefit greatly from having Dan Campbell represent us.

Renee Cote, Auburn

(originally published in the May 14th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal

Silver Moore-Leamon: Campell aims for positive change in House District 90

Dan Campbell has consistently guided and supported real people as they struggled to deal with life pressures of today’s world. He knows the solution is not to focus on the things that are wrong with the world and look backward, but to do what he can do to create positive change.

Dan understands that, much as we might long for the days when smaller government could handle the problems of smaller population and a less complex world, that’s just not possible in 2024. We all depend on government, not only to provide basic services, but also to protect us from the harmful results of unregulated new activities such as artificial intelligence, which will require more government, not less.

Dan acts in practical ways to improve every community of which he is a part. I hope people will join me in voting for Dan to become my District 90 Representative.

Silver Moore-Leamon, Auburn

(as printed in the May 23rd edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Holly Cooney: Campbell offers strong, committed voice for Auburn, Minot

I have known Dan Campbell for many years, as a teacher and counselor, a coach and a friend. He is one of the most caring and empathetic people I know.

But equally important, he is smart, forthright, energetic and highly engaged in our community and its needs. As a legislator, he would work to promote responsible economic growth, affordable housing and quality education.

I hope voters join me in supporting Dan for House District 90. He would be a strong and committed voice for Auburn and Minot.

Holly Cooney, Auburn

(published in the May 9th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Faith Barker: Campell offers work ethic, compassion, dedication to state House

I am writing to express my wholehearted endorsement of Dan Campbell for House District 90.

This office is a natural sequence for Dan, as he has always had an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of our residents through his service in the community. He is well known to the many students he has counseled and coached, and through him many have set goals and found reserves they didn’t know they had.

Dan brings this same passion to his volunteer work with the homeless. His work in our community has brought him awards and accolades in the city of Auburn, and he continues to demonstrate his values through his work.

Dan grew up in this community and sees its strengths and challenges clearly. His work

ethic, his compassion, dedication and leadership would be a positive influence in the


Faith Barker, Auburn

(published in the April 23rd edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Scott Currie: Vote Campbell for a stronger Maine

I am supporting Dan Campbell’s candidacy for District 90 Maine state representative.

I’m impressed with his positions on affordable housing, the economy and job growth here in the greater Auburn area. I admire his willingness to listen and be open-minded about ways to serve our community’s needs while providing fair balance.

As a lifelong resident of Auburn, understanding both sides of an issue is something Dan knows well from his experience in our community.

A vote for Dan is a vote for a stronger Maine.

Scott Currie, Auburn

(originally printed in the June 13th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Margaret McCloskey: Campbell would serve House District 90 with integrity

It is encouraging for residents of Auburn and Minot that Dan Campbell is running for state representative in the 90th District.

He has earned accolades from the mayor of Auburn, the Auburn Business Association and

former Gov. Jock McKernan for his numerous volunteer efforts over many years.

He has dedicated his life to public service, as opposed to the incumbent, Rep. Laurel Libby, who defends neo-Nazi groups’ First Amendment rights in Maine so they can spew hatred, antisemitism, and attack ethnic minorities. Her comments at the State House regarding neo-Nazis were ignorant, shameful and embarrassing.

It’s time for a representative who would serve all of his constituents with integrity; someone

of whom Auburn and Minot would be proud, and a proven public servant, instead of an

extremist who promotes hatred and herself above the needs of others.

I hope people vote for Dan Campbell.

Margaret McCloskey, Minot

(published in the April 27th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

John Cleveland: Campbell offers commitment, service to House District 90

I was pleased to see Dan Campbell’s recent announcement that he is a candidate for state representative in House District 90 (part of Auburn and Minot).

I have known Coach Campbell for 25 years, ever since he coached both my sons on the track and field teams at Edward Little High School. As a coach he demonstrated leadership and a dedication to his athletics, leading his teams to 14 state championships and a national championship.

Dan has a strong commitment to this community and has been recognized with many awards for his decades of service to others.

Dan is a lifelong resident and ELHS graduate, but most importantly he shares the values of the people in this community. I know that Dan would focus on issues that improve the lives of people who live right here, not extreme political ideologies and agendas.

It is time for new leadership in District 90.

John Cleveland, Auburn, former Auburn mayor and state senator

(published in the May 8th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Tim McCloskey: Rep. Libby works to lower taxes for the wealthy

While Dan Campbell has been coaching students and volunteering to aid the homeless, his opponent in the race for the Maine House, Rep. Laurel Libby, was hard at work to lower

taxes for the wealthy.

She sponsored a bill to decrease the amount of income taxes on capital gains by an inflation

factor. Capital gains taxes aren’t a major concern for poor people.

Two other of her sponsored bills sought to eliminate sales and income taxes for people dealing in gold and silver. Again, precious-metals trade is not exactly a lower-and-middle-

income business.

Another of her help-the-rich proposals would’ve allowed families with minor children to

deduct the amount of excise tax paid for a motor vehicle on their state income taxes. The

difference between excise taxes on a new Cadillac verses a used beater can be huge — the wealthy benefit again.

Each of her regressive bills were defeated; there’s a pattern.

Tim McCloskey, Minot

(published in the April 30th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)